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Calculates drug concentration or area under the curve (AUC) for a MIPD trial run.


calc_concentration_from_regimen(regimen, parameters, model, target_design, ...)

calc_auc_from_regimen(regimen, parameters, model, target_design, ...)



PKPDsim regimen object


use MAP estimation to get estimated exposure, use true patient parameters to get true exposure. Parameters must correspond to the model used. Accepts parameters supplied as a data frame row, a named vector or as a list.


model to use for exposure calculations.


target design, created using create_target_design()


arguments passed on to PKPDsim::sim. Typical arguments include covariates or iov_bins


calc_concentration_from_regimen returns a numeric vector of concentrations between each simulated time point. Control when concentration is estimated using target_time.

calc_auc_from_regimen returns a numeric vector of AUCs between each simulated time point. Control time period over which AUC should be calculated using target_time.


This family of functions calculates the exposure metric for a given regimen, model, model parameters, and target design. Supply the final regimen and the final parameter estimates to get the final estimated exposure metric. Supply the final regimen and the true individual parameter estimates to get the final true exposure metric.